strboul blog

The missing git-crypt helper

git-crypt is a useful tool for encrypting private files within public repositories, but it has its limitations. While it ensures that files are encrypted when they reach the remote repository, it does not guarantee their encryption on the local system. As a result, there is still a risk of malware compromising the unencrypted files. This is why I prefer not to use git-crypt for passwords, but rather for private files that do not contain credentials.

However, even though I don't use git-crypt for passwords, I still want to know the lock state of my files. To address this, I wrote a small helper script that provides the status of the files.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Get the status of git-crypt
# Usage: git-crypt-status

set -e

get_encrypted_files() {
  git-crypt status -e | sed 's/^ *//g'

is_locked() {
  git config --local --get filter.git-crypt.smudge > /dev/null \
    && echo "🚨 files are **not** locked 🚨" \
    || echo "🔒 files are locked 🔒"

main() {
  echo "---------- git-crypt ----------"
  echo "-------------------------------"


Then I want to get to informed about the lock state and which files are encrypted when I change into the directories having encrypted files. I'm using zsh so I can leverage the zsh hooks for this.

__git_crypt_status() {
  if [[ -d .git-crypt ]]; then
add-zsh-hook chpwd __git_crypt_status

For this part, you can use whatever you want. direnv is also a good alternative, and it's also one of my favorite tool. One advantage of zsh hook over direnv can be that it's globally applied. But similarly, direnv's advantage can be to have a portable script to share with the other collaborators. Alternatively, if you want to take it even further, consider having this state information into your primary prompt of PS1.

It's here also possible to be more creative to auto-encrypt the files back on leaving the directory but I prefer to manage it manually to be able to have more control over the process.