My command line cheatsheet
- git [git]
- ssh [security]
- scp [security]
- gpg [security]
- openssl [security]
- nmap [network]
- ip [network]
- nmcli [network]
- iwctl [network]
- tcpdump [network]
- socat [network]
- netstat [network]
- tc [network]
- qpdf [pdf]
- convert [imagemagick, jpg, pdf]
- lsof [file]
- du [disk]
- df [disk]
- dd [disk]
- fallocate [disk]
- lsblk [disk]
- blkid [disk]
- kill [process]
- auditctl [process]
- mount [linux]
- getconf [linux]
- ln, unlink [linux]
- free [linux]
- ss [network, socket, process]
- dig [network, dns]
- nslookup [network, dns]
- ip [network]
- traceroute, tracepath [network]
- chattr [file]
- scanimage [printer, scanner]
- lpstat [printer, cups]
- lp [printer, cups]
- nc [network, netcat]
- telnet [network]
- systemd [systemd]
- journalctl [systemd]
- resolvectl [systemd]
- firewalld [systemd]
- pwgen
- find
- systemctl [systemd]
- docker [docker]
- docker compose [docker]
- fdisk [disk]
- man [unix]
- pacman [arch, linux]
- dmesg [linux]
- id [linux]
- chmod, chown, chgrp [linux]
- virsh [virt, libvirt]
- shred [linux]
- useradd, usermod, gpasswd [linux]
- curl [network]
- strace [linux]
- bash [linux]
- uname [linux]
- psql [database]
- wget [linux]
- fwupdmgr [linux]
- btrfs [linux]
- zfs, zpool [linux]
- attr [linux]
- zip, unzip [archive]
- tar [archive]
- hexdump [linux]
- jq [json]
- rg [ripgrep, grep]
- python [python]
- pyenv [python]
- xdg [linux]
- iptables [linux]
- networking [linux, network]
- xclip [xorg]
- wl-clipboard [wayland]
- neomutt [mutt, email]
- direnv [env, security]
- git-crypt [git, security]
- grep [unix]
- ps [unix]
- xargs [unix]
- apropos [unix]
- date [unix]
- base64 [unix]
- lxc [linux]
- proc [linux]
- kubectl [k8s]
- restic [backup]
- pass [password]
- ansible
- etckeeper
- misc
git [git]
get author summary
git shortlog -sne
get logs from author
git log --author="<name>"
set local user name
git config --local "<name>"
set local email
git config --local "<email>"
list configs
git config --list
remove remote-tracking branches
git fetch --prune
squash merge branch
git merge --squash <uncheckout-branch-no-master>
rename current branch
git branch -m <newname>
rebase branch with master
git rebase origin master
rebase commits without changing date
git -c rebase.instructionFormat='%s%nexec GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="%cD" git commit --amend --no-edit' rebase -i <parent-of-commit-sha>
abort rebase
git rebase --abort
rename branch
git branch -m <oldname> <newname>
delete branch
git branch -d <uncheckout-branch-no-master>
list remote origins
git remote -v
set remote address
git remote add <ssh_or_https>
list last n commits
git log -n <n>
search in all of commit messages of project
git log --grep "<query>"
history of file
git log -p <filename>
search query in git logs
git log -p -G <query>
list commits reverse order
git log --reverse
search in history
git grep '<query>' $(git rev-list --all)
search query in file/folder with history
git grep '<query>' "$(git rev-list --all -- <file-or-folder>)" -- <file-or-folder>
compare changes between branches
git diff master..
amend and don't edit commit message
git commit --amend --no-edit
change SHA of last commit
git commit --allow-empty --amend --no-edit
create fixup commit
git commit --fixup <branch-commit-sha>
by skipping commit hooks
git commit --no-verify
commit with date ISO 8601 format
git commit --date="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS"
cherry pick commit
git cherry-pick <commit_sha>
reset head commit
git reset HEAD~
get stash diff
git stash show -p stash@{0}
list tags by creation date (descending)
git tag --sort=-creatordate
list ignored files
git ls-files --ignored --exclude-standard --others
change remote url
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:user/repo.git
create patch files from last n commits
git format-patch -<n> HEAD
apply multiple patches
git apply *.patch
add submodule
git submodule add <repository> <path>
update submodule
git submodule update
update submodules and init
git submodule update --init
pull all submodules
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
update all submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
create zip archive (respecting gitignore)
git archive --format=zip --output <filename>.zip master
change git ssh command
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -vvv' git fetch
git operate with a specific ssh key
git -c "core.sshCommand=ssh -i /path/to/key" clone [email protected]:username/repo.git
$ name: git -c log.showSignature=false log --format='%an' | sort -u
$ email: git -c log.showSignature=false log --format='%ae' | sort -u
$ uncheckout-branch-no-master: git branch --list | awk '{ if ($1 != "*" && $1 != "master" && $1 != "main") { print $1 } }'
$ file-or-folder: find * -type f -o -type d
$ branch-commit-sha: git -c log.showSignature=false log --format="%C(auto) %H %s" --no-merges master.. | fzf | awk '{ print $1 }'
ssh [security]
authorise ssh pub key in remote machine
ssh-copy-id -i <public-key> user@host
jump through multiple hosts
ssh -J user@host1,user@host2 user@host3
restart ssh agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
create ssh keypair
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>"
add ssh key to agent
ssh-add <private-key>
list keys in agent
ssh-add -L
local port forwarding/tunnel
ssh -N -L <remote-port>:localhost:<localport> user@host
keyscan by type of domain or IP
ssh-keyscan -t ed25519
$ public-key: find ~/.ssh/keys -type f -name '*.pub'
$ private-key: find ~/.ssh/keys -type f -not -name '*.pub'
scp [security]
secure copy directory (-r: recursive)
scp -r <local_dir> user@host:<remote_dir>
copy with jump hosts
scp -J juser@jhost <file1> <file2> user@host:/
gpg [security]
list public keys
gpg --list-keys
create/generate key with defaults
gpg --full-generate-key
list public keys long format with fingerprints
gpg --list-keys --keyid-format=LONG
search public keys by email in keyservers
gpg --search-keys <email>
get fingerprint of key by email
gpg --fingerprint <email>
get fingerprint of key file (without importing it into keyring first)
gpg --show-keys --with-fingerprint <filename>
get encrypted file details
gpg --list-packets <file>
list signatures
gpg --list-signatures <fingerprint>
list private keys
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=LONG
import public/private key from file
gpg --import <key-file>
export public key as clean text
gpg --armor --export <fingerprint>
export private key as clean text
gpg --armor --export-secret-key <fingerprint>
remove public key
gpg --delete-key <fingerprint>
remove private key
gpg --delete-secret-key <fingerprint>
encrypt file
gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient <email> --output <output_filename_gpg> <input_filename>
decrypt file
gpg --decrypt --output <output_filename> <input_filename_gpg>
clearsign file
gpg --clearsign <input_filename>
verify sign
gpg --verify <filename>
get smartcard status
gpg --card-status
list with expired subkeys
gpg --list-options show-unusable-subkeys --list-keys
$ fingerprint: gpg-list-public-keys | fzf | awk '{ print $1 }'
$ email: gpg-list-public-keys | fzf | perl -pe 's/^.*\<(.*)\>$/\1/g'
openssl [security]
get certificate details
openssl x509 -text -noout -in <crt-file>
nmap [network]
scan all open ports in an address
get all addresses from subnet (255 hosts)
nmap -sP
get all ports from hosts
nmap -Pn
find dhcp addresses
nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover -e <interface>
$ interface: ip -o a show | awk '{ if ($3 == "inet") { print $2; } }'
ip [network]
list routing table
ip route
get ip route
ip route get 1 | awk '{ print $7 }'
route an address via interface
ip route add <address> dev <interface>
nmcli [network]
show general status
nmcli general status
show device status
nmcli dev status
list all known connections
nmcli connection show
list wifi devices
nmcli dev wifi list
create new connection
nmcli dev wifi con "<ssid>"
up connection (ask password)
nmcli con up --ask "<ssid>"
print password of current wifi device
nmcli dev wifi show-password
print password of known network
nmcli -show-secrets -get-values "802-11-wireless-security.psk" connection show "<known-ssid>"
$ known-ssid: nmcli -g name connection
iwctl [network]
list devices
iwctl station list
list available networks on device
iwctl station wlan0 get-networks
connect to network
iwctl station wlan0 connect <ssid>
ieee 802.11 information e.g. frequency, ghz, mac address, of device
iwlist wlan0 scanning
tcpdump [network]
list connections
tcpdump -l
get packets from interface
tcpdump -nn -i eth0
get packet details from interface
tcpdump -nn -vvv -X -i eth0
write packagets to file
tcpdump -w capture.pcap
write packages to file and also print stdout
tcpdump --print -w capture.pcap
monitor outgoing connections except ssh
tcpdump -i eth0 port not 22 and src <source-ip>
monitor interface except destination cidr
tcpdump -n -i eth0 not dst net
listen all interfaces
tcpdump -i any
socat [network]
listen at port
socat - TCP4-LISTEN:<port>,fork,reuseaddr
send message to port
echo "hello" | socat TCP4:<address>:<port> -
send file contents as stream
echo "$(<<file>)" | socat TCP4:<address>:<port> -
simple http server
socat -v -d -d TCP-LISTEN:3333,crlf,reuseaddr,fork SYSTEM:"echo HTTP/1.1 200 OK;echo Content-Type\: text/plain;echo;echo \"Server: \$SOCAT_SOCKADDR:\$SOCAT_SOCKPORT\";echo \"Client: \$SOCAT_PEERADDR:\$SOCAT_PEERPORT\";"
$ address: echo "" --- --fzf-overrides '--no-select-1'
$ port: echo "3333" --- --fzf-overrides '--no-select-1'
netstat [network]
list network interfaces
netstat -ie
tc [network]
add delay to every packet on device
tc qdisc add dev eth1 root netem delay 200ms
randomly drop approximately x percent of packets on device
tc qdisc add dev eth1 root netem loss 1%
inspect filters on device
tc qdisc show dev eth1
list rules
tc qdisc ls
remove tc filters
tc qdisc del dev eth1 root
qpdf [pdf]
concatenate/merge pdf files
qpdf --empty --pages input-*.pdf -- output.pdf
convert [imagemagick, jpg, pdf]
convert jpg to pdf
convert picture-*.jpg out.pdf
resize an image by percent (source and destination)
convert -resize 50% <image-files> dest.png
resize an image by size (source and destination)
convert -resize 1024X768 <image-files> dest.jpg
$ image-files: find * -type f -regex '.*\.\(png\|jpg\|jpeg\)'
lsof [file]
show open files (-w don't show warnings)
lsof -w
list specific port
lsof -i:<port>
determine which proceses modify file or directory
lsof <file_or_dir>
du [disk]
disk usage of current directory/folder
du -sh .
disk usage of files and folders of current directory/folder
du -sh *
df [disk]
display free disk space
df -h
dd [disk]
wipe disk
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4M
make device bootable with iso
dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sda bs=4M oflag=direct status=progress
fallocate [disk]
allocate space to file
fallocate -l 20G file.img
lsblk [disk]
list block devices with filesystems
lsblk --fs
blkid [disk]
locate/print block device attributes
kill [process]
kill all processes of that program
killall -9 <name_command>
kill by process id
kill -9 <pid>
auditctl [process]
list rules
auditctl -l
get key reports today
aureport -ts today -k
get summary of key reports since boot
aureport -ts boot -k
get summary of key reports today
aureport -ts today -k --summary
get logs by key
ausearch -i -k <key>
get logs on file
ausearch -i -f <file>
mount [linux]
mount devices
mount /dev/sda /mnt/<dir>
list mounts and filter by type
mount -l -t ext4
umount <dir>
getconf [linux]
32 bits or 64 bits?
getconf LONG_BIT
ln, unlink [linux]
create symlink
ln -s <destination> <source>
update symlink
ln -sfn <destination> <source>
remove symlink
unlink <file>
free [linux]
display memory and swap info in system
free -m
ss [network, socket, process]
list all open sockets
ss -tunalp
show ipv4 connections (-r: resolve, -p: show process)
ss -4 -r -p
list summary of all socket connections
ss -s
filter connections by port number
ss -at -p '( dport = :22 or sport = :22 )'
dig [network, dns]
query specific nameserver
dig @
get nameserver addresses
dig +short ns
mx: 'Mail eXchange' records
dig +short mx
soa: 'Start Of Authority' records
dig +short soa
list all records
dig +noall +answer +multiline any
get public IP address of machine
dig +short
get mDNS hostname
dig -x <ip-address> -p 5353 @
nslookup [network, dns]
reverse DNS lookup
ip [network]
list network devices
ip link
list route table
ip route
create dummy virtual ethernet interface
ip link add xennet0 type dummy; ip a change dev xennet0
remove dummy virtual ethernet interface
ip link delete xennet0 type dummy
traceroute, tracepath [network]
traceroute host (uses icmp)
traceroute <domain_tld>
tracepath host (uses UDP and MTU)
tracepath <domain_tld>
chattr [file]
change file attribute (+i: make immutable)
chattr +i <file>
scanimage [printer, scanner]
scan an image
scanimage --progress --resolution=150 --format=pdf --output-file "$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')".pdf
list devices
scanimage -L
lpstat [printer, cups]
get printer status
lpstat -p -d
get jobs status
lpstat -t
list queue
clear queue
lprm -
lp [printer, cups]
print echoed string
echo 'IPP everywhere' | lp
nc [network, netcat]
check if port is open
nc -zv <port>
listen on port
nc -lvvnp <port>
$ port: echo "3333" --- --fzf-overrides '--no-select-1'
telnet [network]
ping port
telnet <port>
systemd [systemd]
inspect users, groups
journalctl [systemd]
follow log messages.
journalctl -f
listen logs of an executable
journalctl -f /usr/bin/<program>
show log disk usage
journalctl --disk-usage
get logs since current boot
journalctl -b
get logs from previous boot
journalctl -b-1
list boots from current year
journalctl --list-boots
show messages since
journalctl --since "1 day ago"
show only error, critical, alert priority messages
journalctl -p err..alert
get logs since boot and of unit
journalctl -b -u <service-file>
$ service-file: systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled | awk '{ print $1 }'
resolvectl [systemd]
resolve domain names
resolvectl --cache=false query
flush dns cache
resolvectl flush-caches
firewalld [systemd]
open tcp port (temporarily)
firewall-cmd --add-port=8000/tcp
open tcp port (permanently)
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8000/tcp
close tcp port (permanently)
firewall-cmd --permanently --remove-port=8000/tcp
list allowed ports
firewall-cmd --list-ports
list active zones
firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
list running services
firewall-cmd --list-services
list everything added or enabled
firewall-cmd --list-all
reload firewalld
firewall-cmd --reload
create random password with length of 16 (with capital letter and numerals)
pwgen -nc 16 -1
find files ending with an extension.
find * -type f -name '*.<extension>'
find folder/directory by name.
find * -type d -name '<name>'
find any file modified in last 1 min
find * -mmin 1
find files owned by user
find * -user <user>
find if all files in dir can be read by user
find <dir> -print > /dev/null
systemctl [systemd]
get status of service
systemctl status <service>
list running user services
systemctl --user list-units --state=running
list user timers
systemctl --user list-timers
stop user timer
systemctl --user <user-timer-unit>
show failed services
systemctl --failed
edit service file
sudo EDITOR=vim systemctl edit <service>
reboot and get into bios
systemctl reboot --firmware
$ service: systemctl list-units --type=service --no-pager --quiet | awk '{ print $1 }'
$ user-timer-unit: systemctl --user list-timers --no-pager --quiet | perl -pe 's/^.*(\s+)(.*)(?<=\.timer).*$/\2/g'
docker [docker]
tag an image
docker tag <image-id> <new-tag>
build image without cache
docker build --no-cache -t <name> .
delete an image
docker rmi <image_id>
delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
clean none/dangling images
docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc)
list networks
docker network ls
list running containers
docker ps
delete all running and stopped containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
inspect container or image
docker inspect <container-or-image-sha>
inspect with format
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <container-or-image-sha>
copy from host to container
docker cp foo.txt container_id:/foo.txt
copy from container to host
docker cp container_id:/foo.txt foo.txt
get docker system info
docker system info
get docker system disk usage
docker system df
prune unused images, containers, networks, volumes
docker system prune
get container usage statistics
docker stats
docker compose [docker]
start containers detached, force recreated
docker compose up --detach --force-recreate
stop and remove containers, networks
docker compose down
exec into container
docker compose exec -it <container> bash
fdisk [disk]
list disk partitions
fdisk -l
man [unix]
get manual page of command
man printf
get manual page of specific section of command
man 3 printf
list sections of command
man -k '^printf'
pacman [arch, linux]
check updates
list cache packages
ls -l /var/cache/pacman/pkg | grep '<query>'
list all foreign packages (AUR or manually installed)
pacman -Qm
search packages by regex query
pacman -Qs <query>
get package information
pacman -Qi <installed-packages>
get files provided by package
pacman -Ql <installed-packages>
query file is owned by which package
pacman -Qo <file>
install from file (e.g. cache)
pacman -U <cache-file>
clear all unused cache
pacman -Sc
remove package with dependencies
pacman -Rcns <installed-packages>
pacman package report
pacman -Qkk | grep warning
force re-install all packages
pacman -Syyu $(pacman -Qnq) --overwrite "*"
$ cache-file: find /var/cache/pacman/pkg -type f -name '*.zst'
$ installed-packages: pacman -Qq
dmesg [linux]
get usb device names
dmesg -T | grep 'USB'
id [linux]
get user name
id -un
chmod, chown, chgrp [linux]
change file permissions with octal
chmod 0600 <filename>
change user and group ownership of file
chown <new-user>:<new-group> <filename>
change group ownership of file
chgrp <new-group> <filename>
virsh [virt, libvirt]
list of VMs
virsh list --all
start VM
virsh start <vm_name>
reboot VM
virsh reboot <vm_name>
shutdown VM
virsh shutdown <vm_name>
force stop
virsh destroy <vm_name>
remove vm
virsh undefine <vm_name>
console access of running VM
virsh console <vm_name>
list networks
virsh net-list
start network
virsh net-start <network_name>
show dhcp assigned IP addresses
virsh net-dhcp-leases <network_name>
clone VM and create storage image
virt-clone -o <vm_name> -n <new_vm_name> -f /var/lib/libvirt/images/<new_vm>.qcow2
delete/remove attached storage file
rm -f "$(virsh dumpxml --domain <vm_name> | grep -oP "source file='\K[^']*")"
shred [linux]
safe delete/remove file by overwriting it multiple times
shred -u <file>
useradd, usermod, gpasswd [linux]
list user groups.
list all groups.
getent group | cut -d: -f1
add new user with home directory and shell
useradd --create-home --shell /usr/bin/bash <username>
set or change password of user
passwd <username>
delete user and its home directory
userdel -rf <username>
add user to sudoers group
usermod -aG wheel <user>
add user to an existing group
usermod -aG <group> <user>
remove user from group
gpasswd -d <group> <user>
delete group
groupdel <group>
change primary group of user
usermod -g primarygroupname username
$ user: getent passwd | cut -d: -f1
$ group: getent group | cut -d: -f1
curl [network]
send get http request
curl <url>
send http request with custom header and json body
curl -X <method> <url> -H '<headername>: <headervalue>' -d '<json>'
send get http request and follow redirects
curl -L <url>
use specific interface
curl --interface eth0 <url>
expand shortened urls
curl -sIL | sed -n 's/Location: *//p'
send cookies
curl --cookie "token=12345" http://localhost
$ method: echo -e 'GET\nPOST\nPUT\nDELETE\nPATCH'
strace [linux]
trace command
strace ls
trace command and any newly created child processes
strace -f ls
trace process and write to file
strace -f -p <pid> -e trace=write -o strace_pid_<pid>.capture
$ pid: ps a | tail -n +2 | fzf | awk '{ print $1 }'
bash [linux]
for loop over files
for filename in *; do echo "$filename"; done
ternary string comparison
[[ "str1" == "str2" ]] && echo "equal" || echo "not equal"
check if string contains substring
if [[ "Arch Linux" =~ .*Linux.* ]]; then; echo "it contains"; fi
check if string is empty
if [[ -z '' ]]; then echo "it is empty"; fi
check if string is not empty
if [[ -n 'foo' ]]; then echo "it is not empty"; fi
uname [linux]
print system information
uname -a
psql [database]
send queries from command line
psql postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/db -c '''
SELECT * FROM alias;
wget [linux]
download and save file with output
wget <link> -O <output_file>
fwupdmgr [linux]
download new metadata from remote server
fwupdmgr refresh
update devices to latest firmware version
fwupdmgr update
btrfs [linux]
list subvolumes
btrfs subvol list /
create snapshot (-r: readonly)
btrfs subvol snapshot -r /home "/.snapshots/home-$(date +%FT%T)"
delete snapshot
btrfs subvol delete @snapshots/<snapshot>
show subvol details of snapshot
btrfs subvol show /.snapshots/<folder_name>
zfs, zpool [linux]
list zfs pools
zpool list
get pool status
zpool status
lists zfs file systems
zfs list
set/change quota
zfs set refquota=1G <name>
list snapshots
zfs list -t snapshot
take snapshot
zfs snapshot <pool-name>@<snapshot_name>
attr [linux]
list file attributes
lsattr <file>
make file immutable/append only
chattr +ia <file>
make file mutable/non-append only
chattr -ia <file>
zip, unzip [archive]
archive files
zip file1 file2
add file or folders to zip archive
zip -r file_or_folder
list files in archive
unzip -l
unzip to folder
unzip -d destination_folder
tar [archive]
create tar archive
tar -czvf filename.tar.gz /path/to/dir1
extract tar archive, untar
tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
hexdump [linux]
display text with hexadecimal
echo "text" | hexdump -Cc
jq [json]
get first element of array
cat file.json | jq '.[0]'
get values by key
cat file.json | jq '.key'
subset key by value
cat file.json | jq 'select(.key == "value")'
rg [ripgrep, grep]
search in single file
rg <query> <file>
search in dir recursively
rg <query> <folder>/
search literally i.e. without regex
rg -F '<query>'
search files not containing query
rg --files-without-match <query>
search pattern but ignore files
rg <query> -g '!*<pattern>'
search n lines around
rg -C <n> <query>
python [python]
pip install requirements
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
create virtualenv
python -m venv .venv
pip freeze requirements
python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
create single http server on directory
python -m http.server <port> --bind <address>
convert unix time to datetime
python -c "import datetime; print(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0))"
pretty print json
<json> | python -m json.tool
list python paths
python -c "import sys;print(sys.path)"
$ port: echo "3333" --- --fzf-overrides '--no-select-1'
$ address: echo "" --- --fzf-overrides '--no-select-1'
pyenv [python]
list pyenv versions
pyenv versions
install python version
pyenv install <version>
set global version
pyenv global <version>
set local version (creates .python-version file)
pyenv local <version>
temporarily set version
pyenv shell <version>
rehash pyenv shims if executable isn't in ~/.pyenv/shims
pyenv rehash
xdg [linux]
find xdg-mime of file
xdg-mime query filetype <file>
find default application of xdg-mime
xdg-mime query default <mime>
get list of xdg desktop files
ls /usr/share/applications
iptables [linux]
log incoming packets
iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING --destination -j LOG --log-prefix='[iptables-raw-debug] '
log outgoing packets
iptables -t raw -A OUTPUT --destination -j LOG --log-prefix='[iptables-raw-debug] '
list raw table
iptables -t raw -L -v -n --line-numbers
flush (clean) raw table
iptables -t raw -F
delete specific rule from table by line number
sudo iptables -t raw -D INPUT 2
list rules
iptables --list-rules
list by specifications
iptables -S
networking [linux, network]
ping port from host
timeout 5 bash -c ': < /dev/tcp/<host>/<port>'
dns without dig
getent hosts
xclip [xorg]
copy file to clipboard
xclip -selection clipboard < /path/to/file.txt
wl-clipboard [wayland]
copy file to clipboard
wl-copy < /path/to/file.txt
neomutt [mutt, email]
read an mbox file
neomutt -f all.mbox
direnv [env, security]
get status
direnv status
git-crypt [git, security]
lock repository
git-crypt lock
unlock repository
git-crypt unlock
list encrypted files
git-crypt status -e
grep [unix]
get count of query in files
grep -c '<query>' *txt
get match with n lines around
grep -C 2 '<query>' *txt
ps [unix]
get process by name
ps -aux | grep <program_name> | grep -v grep
kill all zombie processes
ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -9
xargs [unix]
example xargs usage
ls | xargs -I {} du -sh {}
apropos [unix]
find command by query
apropos <query>
date [unix]
get snapshot date
date +'%FT%T%z'
get date with format
date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
base64 [unix]
encode file to base64
base64 <file>
decode file to base64
base64 --decode <file>
wrap lines, don't multiline
base64 -w0 <file>
lxc [linux]
list containers
lxc-ls --fancy
start container
lxc-start -n <container>
stop container
lxc-stop -n <container>
get inside of container by name
lxc-attach -n <container>
run command inside of container by name
lxc-attach -n <container> -- ls
proc [linux]
get memory information
cat /proc/meminfo
get kernel version
cat /proc/version
get process environment variables
cat /proc/<pid>/environ | tr "\0" "\n"
get process command line
cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline | tr "\0" "\n"
get process link to working directory
file /proc/<pid>/cwd
get process file descriptors
ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd
get process binary
file /proc/<pid>/exe
get process limits
cat /proc/<pid>/limits
kubectl [k8s]
get all pods with labels
kubectl get pods --show-labels -A
get logs by label
kubectl logs -n <namespace> -l key=value --follow
describe pod by label
kubectl describe pod -n <namespace> -l key=value
exec into pod by name
kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n <namespace> <pod_name> -- /bin/bash
exec into pod and container by names
kubectl exec -n --stdin --tty <namespace> <pod_name> -c <container_name> -- /bin/bash
restart pod
kubectl delete pod -n <namespace> <pod_name>
get cluster information
kubectl config get-contexts
remove deployment pods
kubectl scale deployment/hello-node --replicas=0
create and run pod on the fly
kubectl run tmp-python-312 --image='python:3.12-bullseye'
restic [backup]
list snapshots
restic snapshots
diff two snapshots
restic diff <snapshot_id> <snapshot_id>
diff last two snapshots
restic diff $(restic snapshots --json | jq -r '.[-2:][].id')
mount snapshots
restic mount /tmp/restic-mount
pass [password]
insert new password
pass insert
copy password to clipboard
pass -c
multi line insert
pass insert -m <name>
edit password
pass edit
delete password
pass rm
run ad-hoc commands
ansible -v <inventory_group> -m -a 'ls /'
get etc's working tree status
sudo etckeeper vcs status
get etc's commit logs
sudo etckeeper vcs log
write into file with sudo tee
echo "text" | sudo tee <file>
run while loop forever
while true; do echo 'hello'; sleep 1; done
create process with custom name
/bin/sh -c 'exec -a my_custom_process -- sleep 60'